
I have the following skills to solve different technical problems

Languages C, C++, Python
Microcontrollers ARM Cortex-M, AVR, ESP32,ESP8266, TI C2000 DSP mcu, nordic BLE, C51-8051 , STM32
Platforms FreeRTOS, Amazon-FreeRTOS, Arduino, mBed, CMSIS, Embedded Linux, Qt
Build System Make, Yocto, AOSP, KEIL uVision, gcc
IoT MQTT/S, Bonjour/Zero-conf, LPWAN, LoraWan, TLS, TCP/UDP , HTTP/S, Wifi-MESH, BLE-Mesh
Development TDD(gTest), Static Analysis(cppCheck), Git, Meld, OOP, UML, Kanban, Scrum
Protocols DLMS-COSEM, Mod-bus, M-Bus, IEC 1107, STS, CTS, CAN, OBD2, iPXE, DL/T645
Web Elixir-Phoenix Framework , WebRTC, Nginx, Flask, Docker
Tools Saleae Logic analyzer, Oscilloscope, JTAG Debugger, WireShark
Others Bootloader Designing, Reverse Engineering, Testing Tool Development using Raspberry Pi , Xilinx FPGA hands on experience